Social Media is the central focus of marketing strategy of every company, big or small. Who would have thought a few years ago that Social Media would hook the business world onto it and result in more than 70% of modern – day customer engagement? Social Media may be easy to use and deploy for marketing on the outlook, but it does contain some intricate features which need to be mastered to gain that edge over the competitor who is also pushing the front through the media
Having been worked with companies, mapping their growth and analyzing them, we at SCTSPL have come up with these essential tips to master Social Media and be a guru!
Research your audience: This is always the first chapter in any guide for Social Media. The platforms are mix of individuals who may or may not have interest in what the business is providing. Through surveys, questionnaires, sales analysis, one can identify customer demographics and regions so that marketing can be targeted to them.
Get Visual: No one likes getting ‘over-whelmed’ seeing large chunks of texts. According to HubSpot research, visual assets improve customer engagement by 4 times. Also people are more likely to remember visual information than any text relating to the business. Infographics, videos and photo – blogs play a great role in even making the advertisements efficient.
One at a time: With a number of Social Media Platforms out there, it is tempting to start up the business everywhere at once. But successful businesses undertake the reverse strategy instead by focusing all its efforts on one media and then expanding steadily to the other. The nature of audience varies slightly in each media and it is essential all resources are focused on them.
Put Money: Money here does not mean lakhs or crores but essentially a few thousands to begin with. The Ad Managers on Facebook, Instagram, etc are the cleanest ways to get organic audience with options to target down to cities, ages and even interests. All this requires a shrewd marketing mind which grows with experience and detailed research.
Create Shareable content: It’s no secret that we often want to share content which we can relate to. That explains the popularity of memes and troll pages. While content of businesses are much more sophisticated, they can focus on the pain points of customers and create creative content which makes them ask their friends / relatives to go through.
Social Media is a technique which requires unwavering passion and dedication. It comes with a lot of experience being in different scenarios which the everyday market provides. The Social Media Services at SCTSPL boasts a team of such members who have mastered both the textbook and street rules to upscale any type of business they work with. It is a comprehensive social media service which promises to improve your business through our commitment every single day.