First-Aid Kit is a utility article for home, offices, industrial establishment, etc. It is Transparent polypropylene box equipped with elliptical handle and double locking system. Following essential first-aid materials are inside the box -
▪ Antiseptic Liquid (50 ml)
▪ Framycetin Skin Cream (20 gms.)
▪ Adhesive Tape U.S.P.
▪ Plucker
▪ Band-Aid (2 strips)
▪ Tincture Benzoin (15 ml)
▪ Small Scissor
▪. Dropper
▪ Cotton Wool (5 gms.)
▪ Cotton Bandage Strap (2" and 3.5")
▪ Pocket Guide on
'First Aid’ in English and Hindi NSC’s name, logo and a safety message would be screen printed on the kit.
**Orders should be for minimum quantity of 1 Nos. and in multiples of 1 Nos.